PORTFOLIO Prints are available online in a variety of sizes and on various materials at:www.photo4me.com/profile/photoss/If there’s a particular image you’re interested in and you can’t find there, do let me know and I’ll upload it to the site. Recent work 28 images « BACK TO PORTFOLIOSwitzerland Cheese CountryAutumn morning in Emmental, canton Bern.Jurassic MorningSpring morning in the Jura Mountains, canton Aargau.Green ValleyDawn at Waldenburg village in the canton of Basel-Country.Rise UpRising mists at Wahlen village in the canton of Basel-Country.UrsusInterior of St Ursus cathedral in Solothurn.QuaintNarrow street in St-Ursanne village, canton of Jura.The BridgeEvening at St-Ursanne, canton of Jura.Time CapsuleDusk in St-Ursanne village, canton Jura.SolothurnSunrise in Solothurn.BaroqueDawn in Solothurn.SchlossSpring midday at Birseck Castle, canton Basel-Country.Round MountainThe village of Romont, canton Fribourg.BottmingenEvening at Bottmingen castle, canton Basel-Country.Neu FalkensteinFoggy morn at the ruins of Neu Falkenstein castle, Canton of Solothurn.Swiss BlissSpring evening at Metzerlen village, canton Solothurn.BaroqueBaroque interior of Mariastein monastery, canton Solothurn.LucerneAfternoon in Lucerne (Luzern).LuzernAfternoon in Lucerne.Swiss BeachDusk on Geneva Lake.Jurassic MistsAutumn sunrise in Thal Nature Park, Jura Mountains, canton of Solothurn.ThalAutumn dawn in Thal Nature Park, Jura Mountains, canton of Solothurn.Sea of MistAutumn morning in Thal Nature Park, Jura Mountains, canton of Solothurn.JuraAutumn afternoon in the Jura Mountains, canton Solothurn.Old StallionAutumn in the Jura Mountains, canton Solothurn.Swiss CountrysideCharacteristic Swiss protestant church in Hauenstein-Ifenthal, canton Solothurn.GruyeresGruyeres village, canton Fribourg.SwissnessGruyeres village, canton Fribourg.AlpineAutumn in Gruyeres village, canton Fribourg.DustingLower Alps near Gruyeres, canton Fribourg.GantrischseeliEarly spring in Gantrisch Nature Park, Bernese Alps.FribourgeoisNight falls in Fribourg.In BloomSpring in the Swiss countryside near Frenkendorf, canton Basel-Country.EmmentalerAutumn morning in Emmental, canton Bern.Top of EuropeAutumn morning in Emmental, canton Bern.Eagle's CastleAutumn afternoon at Chateau d'Aigle, canton Vaud.Old and NewAutumn afternoon at Chateau d'Aigle, canton Vaud.Chateau de ChillonNight falls at Chateau de Chillon, canton Vaud.BurgmeisterNight falls in Burgdorf, canton Bern.Bridge in BruggSunset in Brugg, canton Aargau.Alpen PostcardBramboden village in the Swiss Alps, canton Lucerne.EntlebuchAutumn day in Biosphere Entlebuch, canton Lucerne.Bernese SpringSpring morning in Bern, Swiss capital city.BalsthalAutumn morn in Balsthal village, canton Solothurn.On the IsleSt Wolfgang chapel in Balsthal, canton Solothurn.Swiss BadenNight falls in Baden, canton Aargau.BadenNight falls in Baden, canton Aargau.AareNight falls at Aarburg Castle, canton Aargau.FestungNight falls at Aarburg Castle, canton Aargau.AarauNight falls in Aarau, canton Aargau.DawningDawn in the Jura Mountains, canton Basel-Country.Layer CakeAutumn at Gruyeres, canton Fribourg.